Thursday, December 13, 2012

Interview #2

Valerie Jozef
Interview #2

V: When did you first start reading?
A: When I was like four probably.
V: Do you remember whom you read with?
A: My first grade teacher Ms. Kerr.
V: Did you read with anyone in your family?
A: My grandpa. He did Hooked on Phonics with me like everyday.
V: When did you start writing?
A:  Mhmm. Like third grade.
V: Did you write mostly at home or in school?
A: In school.
V: Do you remember who taught you how to write?
A: My grandpa.
V: Do you remember who taught you how to read?
A: My grandpa.
V: Did you have any teachers that helped you?
A: Well my fourth grade was amazing. She helped me read too.
V: Do you remember what book you first read?
A: Stellaluna
V: How did you feel when you were able to read that book?
A: The best feeling ever. I felt accomplished.
V: Can you tell me about your first writing experience?
A:  I don’t really remember but I mean I know in fourth grade we had a class assignment.
V: Were you proud of your work you did in your fourth grade class?
A: Yes.
V: Why?
A: I felt like I was able to do something on my own and accomplished a writing piece.
V: What was your best experience with writing throughout all your years in school?
A: When I was in sixth grade I entered a poetry contest and I won.
V: What was your worst experience with writing?
A: Um when I plagiarized an essay and failed my class.
V: When did this happen?
A: Sophomore year of high school. Truly regret it.
V: Did any teachers have an impact on your writing?
A: My English teacher in college had an impact on my writing.
V: How did she have an impact?
A: She took the time to sit down with us and go over our papers so we didn’t feel lost.
V: Did she give you positive feedback?
A: There were things that were negative but she seemed to be able to turn them into positive ways to fix our papers.
V: So would you say school is important to you?
A: Yes.
V: Why is it important?
A: Because without good grades and our degree we wouldn’t be able to find a job.
V: Does your family value school the same way?
A: The same. They want me to be successful
V: How many years have you been in college?
A: This is my fourth year.
V: Have you been at Kean all four years?
A: No. I went to a community college for two years then transferred to Kean.
V: Did you take English classes at your community college?
A: Yes.
V: Do you remember the classes?
A: English Comp. 1 and 2.
V: How many classes would you say involved writing papers?
A: All my classes expect Math.
V: What did you like about your English classes?
A: Um. Well English Composition 2 was my favorite because it was reading and dissecting stories and having to find the symbolism.
V: Did you find that English Classes here at Kean were useful?
A: Yeah.
V: What English classes did you take here at Kean?
A: A creative writing class. It allowed me to express myself.
V: Did you dislike any English classes that you took?
A: No.
V: Have their been any other English classes that you have been in where other students’ didn’t like the class?
A: I think it was just for the people who weren’t great at writing. The class was a challenge.
V: Do you have a favorite English class?
A: English Composition 2.
V: Did you have to take your English classes for a requirement or for your major?
A: They were all required.
V: Do you like to write outside of the classroom?
A: Yeah.
V: What do you like to write about?
A: Well when I was younger I used to write like songs and stuff. I also had a diary.
V: Do you remember how you felt after you wrote your first piece of creative writing?
A:  I mean it was pretty cool because the piece was about anything I wanted it to be.
V: Which do you think is harder and why? Academic writing or creative writing?
A: Academic just because your told to do something and you have to do it that way. Creative writing is just like whatever comes to your mind or interests you.
V: Do you remember any writing that stood our to you? It could be creative or academic.
A: Um. An informative speech.
V: What your speech about?
A: Healthy eating. I was really passionate about it.
V: Would you say that paper was academic and creative?
A: Yes
V: What is your opinion on how classes are set up?
A: I mean I think there good.  It depends on the teacher and how they present to the class. Some teachers just hand out papers and expect you to understand. Other teachers will explain the material and give great examples.
V:  Do you believe these classes meet the needs of the students?
A: No because some students aren’t really great at writing and they struggle with it. Then some students can write amazing.
V: What do you think the teachers can do to help the students with their writing and improve?
A: I mean take more time and help the students who need help with their work.
V: Do you think these classes allow students to express themselves?
A: Yeah. I think that even thought we might have a set thing to write about we can still be creative in some way.
V: Have you ever felt restrained when writing a paper?
A: No. I like the structure sometimes of an academic paper.
V: Do you think academic writing is used more frequently then creative writing?
A: Yes.
V: When your creative piece gets graded how do you feel?
A: I’m nervous because it’s my own personal opinions and styles. But then again not everyone is going to think the way same as you do.
V: Do you think its fair for others to judge your writing?
A: I mean I guess if you know its being handed in a teacher will judge it. I don’t think its fair with students.
V: Do you think creative writing helps academic writing or the other way around?
A: That’s interesting. I think that maybe academic writing helps creative writing just because it shoes you structure and how to compose a correct piece of writing.
V: What is the easiest part of academic writing?
A: The fact that you have guidelines.
V: What is the hardest part?
A: That you might not write the way the teacher wants and they will effect your grade.
V: So its important for you to appease the teacher?
A: Yes. I want the best grades possible.
V: What is the easiest part of creative writing?
A: The freedom to do whatever. A poem or song is your feelings.
V: What would you say is the hardest part?
A: Knowing that if people or students read it they may not like what you have.
V: Do you remember a certain academic paper that you wrote?
A: Yeah.
V: Can you tell me about it?
A: It was comparing two different stories. I had to find their differences and similarities.
V: Did you enjoy writing this?
A: I did because we were able to choose what we wanted to read. So I was able to get more into the writing.
V: How did you feel when you were writing this piece?
A: It was a long paper and stressful but at the same time I enjoyed it.
V: How did you get prepared for writing this paper?
A: I read both stories and then brainstormed.
V: How did you feel once you completed this paper?
A: Relieved.
V: Will you ever look back on that paper?
A: Yeah.
V: Does your future have plans to become something associated with English?
A: No
V: Does your job require you to use proper grammar?
A: Yes
V: In what way
A: I mean speech is all communication. You need to present yourself as educated.
V: Anything else you would like to comment on? Anything you think I should know?
A: Nope 

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