Monday, December 17, 2012


Identify your research question: 
Do students attitudes change when they are writing english papers for the teacher and not themselves?

Other researchers and their contributions:
I'm having a hard time finding a researcher to add to my work. Should I use James Gee and his ideas about writing? Who else would you recommend that I use?

Describe your method for collecting and analyzing your data:
I first started off by making my interview questions, interviewing two people, and reading both their interviews. I found their similarities and differences and wrote them down. I printed out the interview and highlighted important findings. 

Present your findings:
Now I know I stated one research question but I feel like through all my interview questions I was mostly asking questions about creative writing and academic writing. As presented below:
Interview #2

V: Do you remember how you felt after you wrote your first piece of creative writing?
A:  I mean it was pretty cool because the piece was about anything I wanted it to be.
V: Which do you think is harder and why? Academic writing or creative writing?
A: Academic just because your told to do something and you have to do it that way. Creative writing is just like whatever comes to your mind or interests you.
V: Do you remember any writing that stood our to you? It could be creative or academic.
A: Um. An informative speech.
V: What your speech about?
A: Healthy eating. I was really passionate about it.
V: Would you say that paper was academic and creative?
A: Yes

I was focusing a lot on their feelings about these two different writing styles and not really about their attitude towards the writing.

State your conclusion:

They didn’t dislike academic or creative writing. They just knew they had to take certain classes and pass regardless of whether it was academic or creative. However, with strictly academic papers they feel as if creative writing intertwines with academic writing. They want to be able to put in their own “flavor”

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